Store each item carefully in its own box or space. Storing silver jewelry in a box or bag etc. helps prevent tarnish of bare, non oxidized metal.
Necklaces should be hung up individually, or laid straight in a separate box or space, to avoid tangles or distortion in shape.
Your jewelry should be the last thing you put on and the first thing you remove when dressing to avoid snagging, pulling or other damage to clothing or jewelry.
Be sure to apply makeup, perfumes, hairspray, oils or any other cosmetic or substance before you put on jewelry so the products do not damage the finish or stones.
Remove jewelry prior to bathing, swimming, showering or washing hands to avoid damage.
If your jewelry requires additional care, clean with a soft, dry cloth.
Items that are oxidized will change over time taking on their own unique appearance, highlighted areas will become shinier while recessed areas will remain dark with normal wear. It is important that you remove oxidized rings prior to hand washing or when applying hand sanitizer or lotion etc. to maintain the darker color.